To understand parachute rigging, we first must understand what a rig is. A rig is a system of ropes and pulleys to support or move something. In the case of a parachute, the rig is what keeps the parachute canopy open and controls its descent.
Parachute rigs come in all shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common. They need to be solid enough to support the person’s weight (or persons) using the parachute. It means that riggers must be very careful when selecting the materials for a rig. The parachute rig consists of the main canopy, reserve canopy, harness, container system, and AAD.
1- Assembling The Rig
Once the materials for a rig have been selected, the next step is to assemble the rig. This process can vary depending on the parachute, but some general steps are followed.
- Attach the ropes to the canopy.
- Attach the risers (the straps that hold the canopy in place) to the harness
- Install the Pilot chute (a small explosive device that deploys the canopy)
2- Testing The Rig
After the rig has been assembled, it needs to be tested. Riggers often drop test rigs from high places to ensure they work correctly in real-life situations. Only after a rig has passed all these tests will it be safe for use. Now that you understand the rig, here’s the time to see the rigging!
What is Parachute Rigging?
Parachute rigging is a system of ropes, chains, or cables employed to support the parachute structure. Parachute rigging is a technical job performed by a specialized person known as a “parachute rigger.”
What does a Parachute Rigger do?
A parachute rigger is a specialized person who can maintain and repair parachutes, webbings, and fabrics to ensure safe and effective jumps. Parachute rigger ensures the safety of every paratrooper.
Parachute rigger performs rigging jobs, including inspection, testing, packing, and unpacking of parachutes and their release systems and all associated components of the parachute system.
The parachute rigger is required to understand webbings, fabrics, cables, packing, sewing, and all other related aspects such as repair, repacking, and maintenance of parachutes.
Does Parachute Rigging Require Specific Tools?
Yes, parachute rigging requires some specific tools present below:
- A pull-up closing hook
- patch canopy patching template kit
- Welded wire finger trapping fids
- Parachute rigger compact positive leverage device
- Parachute labs rigger closing plate
- Parachute labs Y tapered closing plate paddle
- Wood packing paddle
- Parachute rigger temporary pin
- Screw top T-bodkins
- Bendable steel pilot chute threading tool
- Thread nippers
- Thread snips
- Rigger hemostats
- Tweezer forceps
- Duck bill pliers
- Molar strap
- Pull-up cord
- Spring clamp
- Round canopy compact line separator and many other things
The Best Parachute Rigging Services in Phoenix, Arizona
If you are looking for a reliable parachute rigging shop in Phoenix, Arizona, you should consider Western Parachute Services. They are the most famous and trusted parachute sales and service company serving its customers since the 1990s. You can contact them if you need assistance regarding parachute rigging or related services.
The Bottom Line
As you can see, there’s much more to parachutes than meets the eye! The next time you see someone jumping out of an airplane with a parachute, take a moment to appreciate the work that ensured their rigging was safe and effective.